
Full Body

Retirees Deserve To Have a Fighting Chance

The human papillomavirus virus (HPV) normally disappears from the body of a person with a healthy immune system within one to three days. However, there are at least 15 high-risk strains of HPV that can trigger some forms of cancer.

What makes this revelation especially disturbing is the fact that 6 in 100 men, and 1 in 100 women in the United States now carry HPV in their mouths.

That’s right… in their mouths.

As a consequence, the medical community is now urging men and women to protect themselves from a sexual activity that can trigger the growth of HPV-related cancers. This alert is especially concerning for sexually active retirees.

If you are sexually active and over the age of 60, you need to watch this video, or share this warning with someone who needs the information.

Watch the Video Here and learn how to make love without having to worry about a cancer diagnosis.

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