

Pancakes Korean Style

Pajeon is green onion pancakes that doubles as as a savoury finger food. Served as bite-sized wedges with an indispensable soy dipping sauce on the side, “pajeon” is a guaranteed hit for any occasion.

If you love Korean cuisine like pajeon but are under the impression that preparing a Korean meal requires too much effort, then you’re going to love this scrumptious and easy-to-make pajeon recipe.

Makes 2-3 lunch servings, or 4-6 servings as side dish

2 bundles of Chinese chive or green onion (up to a dozen stalks each)
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
A few drops sesame oil
3 cups flour (I like to use whole wheat)
1 egg mixed with 3/4 cup water
6 tablespoons soy sauce
A drizzle of sesame oil
A few drops of vinegar (rice vinegar preferred)
Chinese chives or green onion, finely chopped (optional)

If using green onion, chop the white parts relatively fine. The green parts should ideally be split lengthwise, then cut into 2-inch lengths. (If using Chinese chives, just cut to length). Mix the onion, salt and oils in a medium mixing bowl. Let sit for 20-30 minutes… In the meantime, combine the soy sauce, sesame oil, vinegar and decorative onion (optional) in a small mixing bowl… Once the onion is ready, gently fold the flour into it. Then add the water/egg mix gradually. Stop adding liquid once you reach a batter texture similar to that of pancakes. Do not over-mix otherwise the flour toughens. Preheat an iron skillet over medium high heat. Coat the skillet generously with vegetable oil. Pour a soup ladle’s worth into the skillet and quickly spread evenly, to a thickness of 1/4 inch. Cook for a few minutes on one side, until the bottom of the pancake turns golden brown. Then flip over and cook the other side till golden brown as well, another few minutes. (Not browning? Turn up the heat a bit). Allow to cool on a rack. Repeat if there’s any batter left. Cut pancakes into bite-sized wedges. Serve with soy sauce dip and enjoy!

Click here if you would like to get your hands on the entire volume of “The Cooking Primer: A Taste of Korea.”

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